Zoom!™ Teeth Whitening

With the ZOOM!™ In-Office Whitening System, we can very rapidly whiten your teeth by six to ten shades—sometimes more. The results are striking: Clients who arrive feeling self-conscious about their teeth walk out two and half hours later with a brighter smile and expression overall. Being able to smile confidently feels great!

Extremely safe and simple, ZOOM! is the result of years of research by Discus Dental, the leader in professional take-home tooth whitening. The ZOOM! propriety whitening gel is a pH-balanced hydrogen peroxide that, when activated by a specialized light, gently penetrates the teeth to remove deep stains and discoloration. A five-minute fluoride treatment completes the procedure. With proper care and occasional touch-up at home, your whiter smile will sparkle for years. In most cases, teeth get even whiter the first few days after the procedure.


Teeth Whitening Alternative Procedures:

Take your first step to feeling good, looking great and making a memorable impression every time you smile.

You owe it to yourself!